近日,公司翻译系潘峰博士以第一作者身份在国际译者联合会(FIT)会刊Babel-Revue Internationale de la Traduction-International Journal of Translation发表研究性文章,该文章与英国利兹大学语言文化与社会学院讲席教授王斌华博士合作完成。Babel创刊于1955年,是世界上历史最悠久的翻译学期刊,创刊人皮埃尔-弗朗索瓦·伽伊叶(Pierre-François Caillé)同时也是国际译者联合会的创始人。据悉,该刊目前被SSCI和A&HCI索引同时收录,是国际翻译学权威期刊,在国际翻译研究领域知名度颇高。
题目:Is interpreting of China’s political discourse becoming more target-oriented?
A Corpus-Based diachronic comparison between the 1990s and the 2010s
摘要:Interpreting is an activity embedded in a particular socio-cultural context that underpins norms of interpreting. Adopting the descriptive translation studies approach, this study aims to find out whether the interpretation for the Chinese government by institutional interpreters is becoming more target-oriented in the decade of the 2010s in comparison with the 1990s. Through both quantitative and qualitative analyses of the Corpus of Interpreted Chinese Government Press Conferences in the 1990s and that of the 2010s, the study reveals that there is a significant increase in the total number of target-oriented shifts in the 2010s, manifested predominantly in “inserting hedges before propositional statements” and “modality shifts to attenuate ST’s categorical force.” Only minimal differences are found for the number of shifts in “explicitation of emphatic meanings,” “specification of Chinese source deictic lexis,” and “explicitation of implicit logic relations” between the two periods. The results thus indicate a general trend of becoming more target-oriented in interpreting, particularly a tendency to mitigate ST’s illocutionary force to a greater extent in the 2010s. Such changes in China’s institutional interpreting are correlated with the evolving socio-political context and the norms of institutional interpreting.
引用:Pan, Feng &Binhua Wang. 2021. Is interpreting of China’s political discourse becoming more target-oriented?– A corpus-based diachronic comparison between the 1990s and the 2010s. Babel, 67(2): 226-249.