Peng, R. Z. Multilingual online academic collaborations as resistance: crossing impassable borders, Language and Intercultural Communication,SSCI检索, 2023(2).
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Peng, R. Z., & Wu,C.C. Teaching language and content in multicultural and multilingual classrooms,International Journal of Applied Linguistics,SSCI检索, 2022(12).
Peng, R. Z., & Wu,C.J. The Narrative Subject: Storytelling in the Age of the Internet, Information, Communication & Society, SSCI检索, 2022(5).
Peng, R. Z., & Hu Q. Q. Expanding global horizons through technology enhanced language learning, Irish Educational Studies, SSCI检索, 2022(7).
Peng, R. Z., & Zhu, C.G. International Perspectives on Teacher Well-Being and Diversity: Portals into Innovative Classroom Practice, Irish Educational Studies, SSCI检索, 2022(10).
Peng, R. Z., Zhu, C.G., & Wu, W. P. Visualizing the emerging trends of acculturation research: A bibliometric analysis from 2000 to 2020. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, SSCI检索,2021(9).
Peng, R. Z., & Fu R. R. The effect of Chinese EFL students’ learning motivation on learning outcomes within a blended learning environment. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, SSCI检索,2021(37).
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